Thursday 4 October 2018

Facts About Wellness And Health That Will Blow Your Mind


It's amazing to me how far we've drifted away from common sense and reality, especially about out health. The more intelligent we're supposed to be, the less we appear to know. Wellness and health need to be our intention and our priority, as we are unable to do anything whatsoever, if we're sick.

We're smart! Some of us are clever! But (in today's world) how many of us are actually wise? Again, put this in the category of wellness and health, where the mind, body, and spirit need to be fine tuned and working in conjunction. According to the dictionary: 1) SMART: is mental alertness, calculations, resourcefulness, quickness and ease in learning 2) CLEVER: is cagey, showing self-interest in dealing with others, and 3) WISDOM: is accumulated knowledge or enlightenment; the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight and the quality of being prudent and sensible. According to the wise elders I grew up around, 'To be smart, without wisdom was a 'game for fools'


Last year sometime (I think), Comedy Central's Jon Stewart did 'A Rally to Restore Sanity' where over 250,000 people attended in Washington, D.C. Stephen Colbert was his 'nemesis' with the Fear factor. The same sanity/fear dichotomy happens BIG TIME in the world of health; almost bigger than anything else I can think of. The American health nightmare is one the grandest fear stories ever told. In one respect, it's scarier than the actual story; in another respect, it's not scary at all. That's the dual nature of our Universal forces.

So, let's be clear...when I see headlines like 'Can Herbs Prolong Our Lives' or 'Is Vitamin C Really Good For You', I'm shocked and appalled at how little most of us know about earth, nature, our own bodies, and how (all things whole, or not whole) relate to being healthy or sick. Explaining this in simple language could really make this a very long article; however, I'll make every attempt at being brief, without sacrificing too much of the substance.

'Everything We Need Is Already Here & Always Has Been' means that the Omnipotent Mind Force, our Spiritual Universe that provides the Stars, the Moon, the Sun and the Planets, also provides everything we need for perfect health. The Stars, the Moon and the Sun are not man made. The same Spirit that manages the Universe (perfectly and without fail) supplied all aspects needed to maintain 'vibrant health'.

Our perfectly controlled Universe has all the necessary elements needed to keep us healthy and free of disease from the beginning of time

If that didn't sink in, read it over and over until you really GET IT.

In other words, you can be free and healthy of disease everyday, all your life, and everything you need to make that happen, has already been here, since DAY 1, and this doesn't mean PROZAC and ADVAIR!

Most ancient people were very well aware of this. However, when contemporary thoughts started to rise to the surface, and someone asked, 'How Do We Make More Money Doing This?' Credibility, saneness, and truth flew out the window faster than a speeding bullet.

Thus, a new Health Story was born. Everything that the ancient Egyptians, Asians, Africans, and native Americans knew about wellness and REAL HEALTH was squashed and the Fairy Tale began. The voices of those early, true health professionals and practitioners, were silenced. The more they explained that great health was simply...excellent nutrition, pure water, pure protein, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and some

amino acids, along with some moderate exercise,
the more 'processed sugar' was introduced into the diet,
the more advanced terminology was used to make simple explanations appear confusing,
the more drugs were introduced, and
the more agencies and clubs were formed to carry on the Fairy Tale about your health.
All of this is done with the specific purpose of making SICK CARE more expensive, and to keep YOU running back and forth through a revolving door of non-stop SICK CARE. Do we need contemporary medical care? Of course, we do. Just not AS MUCH & HOW we're using it now. It has a time and a place to fulfill it's functions, without slashing 'the true benefits of real healing. The Fairy Tale of SICK CARE even included 'scripts' about how 'whole body healing', holistic care, alternative and homeopathic therapies were fake and not good for you, as a means of eliminating any competition from entering the financial circle, and to keep you UNeducated about your health. As always, boys and girls, it was ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, and still is. With all that said,

it's time to research,
it's time to study, and
it's time to 'rally to restore sanity about our health'.
With even more Genetically modified foods on the market, with more fast foods becoming a staple of family diets, and with more 'poisons' in our atmosphere, you'd better know more than you know now, about your own well-being, or you'll become a statistic of the SICK crowd. There are NO MORE EXCUSES. There are all kinds of great foods out there that TASTE great, and that are actually GOOD FOR U. The bottom line is that you truly ARE WHAT YOU EAT, and if we want to BE better, we've got to DO better. That's all there is to it.

The Best Top 10 Health Breakthroughs of 2018

In the face of an obesity epidemic and the early onset of the diseases of aging in even young Americans, there shines a bright ray of hope. It is there for anyone who chooses to inform themselves and then take effective actions to better themselves. The aging clock can be slowed - and in many cases reversed. It is the dawn of a new era.

The following is a list of the Top 10 health breakthroughs of 2018. I know there are many other possible candidates for this Top 10 list. This is my version of the highlights that made 2018 special.

#10 - The Mayo Clinic Places One Foot in the Door of the Real World

Miracles never cease and it appears that the Mayo Clinic is trying to enter the 21st century with at least a finger on the nutritional pulse of reality. In May they put out a press release stating that "Thousands of research studies have documented how the oils known as omega-3 fatty acids can benefit the cardiovascular system, particularly among people diagnosed with coronary artery disease...The most compelling evidence for the cardiovascular benefit provided by omega-3 fatty acids comes from three large controlled trials of 32,000 participants randomized to receive omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing DHA and EPA....These trials showed reductions in cardiovascular events of 19 percent to 45 percent. Overall, these findings suggest that intake of omega-3 fatty acids, whether from dietary sources or fish oil supplements, should be increased, especially in those with or at risk for coronary artery disease."

The breakthrough is not that fish oils prevent and treat heart disease; we've known that for years. The breakthrough is that the vitamin-and-alternative-health-hating Mayo Clinic is telling the world to take fish oil supplements to prevent heart disease. That signifies the initial stages of a paradigm shift of magnitude.

#9 - Bone Health Is One Key to Longevity

Bones can no longer be thought of only in terms of fracture risk and osteoporosis. Bones are constantly giving birth to new cells and these cells play vital roles in metabolism and immunity. For example, when bone cells get inflamed not only does this promote excess bone loss it directly causes fat cells to multiply in white adipose tissue - which clearly explains why women gain weight after menopause as well as the key to stopping the problem.

The highlight study of the year was a detailed gene analysis performed on one of the world's healthiest older men (he was 113 at the time, recently passing away at 114). Researchers expected to find genetic advantages enabling him to live a long life. Much to their surprise, he didn't have any "better genes" at all - he had better bones! And the reason he had better bones was because he ate a diet containing fresh fruit and vegetables (bone anti-inflammatory nutrients) and stayed very active (stimulating bone health).

Needless to say, the disastrous bone drugs were not part of his plan.

#8 - Grape Seed Extracts Stop Alzheimer's Plaque

This year's research showed that "normal" brain aging is quite an abnormal process; with the loss of mental capability, intelligence, and memory directly relating to how many plaque-like brain tangles occur. At the far end of the spectrum is Alzheimer's disease - a problem with brain plaque overwhelming healthy brain function. However, there are a thousand shades of grey on the way to this problem, and each step in the wrong direction is marked by ever-increasing levels of brain plaque.

Red grape seed extracts showed that they could stop brain plaque from forming. The new research showed that brain cells must first be punched in the nose by some form of stress, get inflamed, and then begin to express certain genes that promote plaque formation. Red grape seed extracts simply stop this process from occurring. Not only that, they are powerful protection for the lining of your arteries - helping to stop plaque formation there as well.

#7 - Vitamin D for Anything and Everything

A major question during 2008 was: "Is there anything that vitamin D does not help?" Vitamin D's role in bone metabolism is well known. Its role as a hormone is less well known but very important. As a bewildering array of breaking science now shows, vitamin D is a gene-regulating super nutrient. It is vital for efficient immune function, prevention of autoimmune problems, healthy metabolism, proper thyroid function, prevention of type I and type II diabetes, prevention of heart disease, cancer prevention, and improved nervous system health and mood.

The sunshine vitamin is indeed a wonder nutrient. The American Cancer Society sits around with major mud on its face, doing everything in its power to prevent people from getting vitamin D - a problem made worse in the winter months when none is available for most of the U.S. And as usual, our bumbling government won't let all Americans know that they need 1200 IU to 2000 IU of vitamin D per day, especially in the winter, to help prevent major health problems.

#6 - Resveratrol Turns Back the Clock

An explosion in resveratrol science hit the front pages of the news around the world, as Big Pharma spent millions trying to make resveratrol drugs. The Big Pharma spending is interesting for several reasons:

1) Just imagine how much we could learn if our government would spend money studying all major nutrients in widespread use.
2) The resveratrol nutrient that is already on the market will end up working better than any drug made.

Resveratrol activates a gene called SIRT1, which has a profound disease prevention and anti-aging effect. SIRT1 is normally activated by calorie restriction in times of famine. However, in today's world of excess food consumption it will be a major tool to prevent and treat the coming obesity epidemic and all its health complications.

It is already clear that the supplement works best when you are on a good diet, as too much food simply turns off SIRT1. Its value during a diet is that it helps your muscles work better on fewer calories so that you can actually loose weight while feeling great.

Even if you aren't overweight, the other main point is that resveratrol will help you live longer - a fact born out by the lifespan in various regions of France that have the highest content of resveratrol in their red wine.

#5 - The Digestive Genome Marks the New Frontier of Health

The mapping of the human genome was a monumental accomplishment that has yielded unexpected information. As scientists began to unravel the mysteries of how the human genome is controlled, they quickly found that many of the signals controlling health were coming from the foreign contents within your digestive tract. Like the space race to the moon, the new health frontier is now the genomes of the trillions of foreign cells that comprise your digestive tract.

A treasure trove of information has already been uncovered. Many of these foreign cells are vital to health and have both a friendly and unfriendly role depending on which of their genes are turned on. A case in point is H.pylori and Candida albicans, both of which are considered unfriendly and both of which are normal inhabitants of your digestive tract and need to be in a friendly condition for optimal digestive health and the prevention of digestive disease. In fact, your personal "foreign cell signature" directly influences your own immune tissue to form along the lining of your digestive tract. It also plays a large role in how much inflammation you experience elsewhere in your body - including your joints and back. Friendly flora is vital to maintaining a state of balance that promotes health.

Decades of damage from the overuse of antibiotics, high sugar diets, junk food, chemicals in the diet, pesticides in the diet, genetically modified toxic food, and excess alcohol can finally be seen for the disease-producers they really are. It will be a long time before your doctor gives you any meaningful advice on this subject, since their profession has helped create an epidemic of poor digestive health that in the light of this emerging science is proving to be a major contributing factor to multiple diseases - not just digestive-related problems.

#4 - The Changing World of Fat, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease

Those basing health decisions on cholesterol numbers and concepts of good and bad cholesterol have been left in the Stone-Age dust. HDL, or "good" cholesterol, can have its proteins oxidized and easily become "bad" just like LDL. Cholesterol itself turns out to be a vital player in the structure of nerve receptors, and its levels are reduced when taking medication to lower numbers of LDL. Cholesterol fitness, like muscle fitness, is the new concept of cholesterol health that supports true cardiovascular health.

A huge breakthrough occurred this year when it was demonstrated for the first time that fat accumulating around the outside of arteries was the key signal of impending cardiovascular disease. This fat, which builds up in direct proportion to your waistline expanding, was previously thought to be part of the structure of arteries and not play a functional role. New scientific tools have shown that it accumulates in excess, recruits inflammatory immune cells to live in its newly expanded neighborhood, and they generate inflammation into the arteries that knocks out friendly nitric oxide causing blood pressure to rise and simultaneously generates massive free radical damage that injures LDL and HDL cholesterol and sets the plaquing process in motion.

This is made worse if blood levels of triglycerides stay high during the day - which is caused by eating meals that are too large, snacking between meals, and not exercising.

#3 - How Much BDNF is In Your Bank Account?

Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) may well be the molecule of the year. BDNF is key to keeping your nerve cells alive and stimulating the growth of new nerve cells. Since your nerve cells are important for regulating everything else, keeping them in top working condition not only means that your mind will stay sharp it means you are likely to live longer and healthier.

This year scientists proved the immense value of having adequate BDNF for virtually any issue of nerve and brain related health. If your supplies run low then you cannot tolerate stress properly, you are more likely to be or become depressed, your brain is prone to excess inflammation, and you are set on a path of decline. Conversely, having adequate BDNF helps you keep up with the demands in your life. It means that you have the potential to keep your mind and nerves in good working condition.

For example, when you have adequate BDNF then old memories don't bother you or come back to haunt you at the most inopportune times. Having adequate BDNF may be a key, along with being a good person, to maintaining healthy relationships.

This year scientists demonstrated that fish oil, blueberries, curcumin, and pantethine all help boost the production of BDNF.

#2 - Run for Your Life

Running is now proven to be the single activity with the most bang for the longevity buck. Early in the year papers emphasized the importance of running in human evolution. It was also found that running is the best exercise to boost levels of BDNF. It was proven that running can rejuvenate your heart and even brisk walking can effectively lower your blood pressure.

The highlight of the year was the result of a 20-year study on running over the age of 50. It found that those who ran cut their risk of premature death in half! No drug can do that.

It also found that runners had less cardiovascular disease, fewer cancer deaths, less cognitive decline, and better immunity - and their joints were in good condition. Running turns on gene signals associated with health - it's that simple. The choice is yours.

#1 - Thyroid Health is for Everyone

A startling array of thyroid-related studies have shown that even a slightly off thyroid sends you down a path of poor health. While thyroid issues are often associated with obesity, thyroid problems affect normal weight and underweight people as well. One of the important points to grasp about the emerging science is that these are not thyroid problems that can be treated with medication - as there is usually adequate thyroid hormone. This information is about thyroid stressors such as common pollution like PCBs, perchlorate in the food supply, excess food consumption, and general emotional stress - to name of few.

This year scientific studies showed a sluggish thyroid system was directly related to increased mortality, fatal heart disease, disturbed heart rhythms, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, lack of coordination, risk of breast cancer, mood problems, glaucoma, and Alzheimer's risk.

You may wonder why so many issues can be associated with a type of thyroid problem that doctors don't even see as a problem. The answer is that your thyroid system sets the metabolic pace of your body, like the drummer in a band sets the tempo. If that tempo is too sluggish then everything else works less well, which means wear and tear accumulates at a faster rate.

You can fix sluggish thyroid problems by eating a cleaner diet, regular exercise, and using nutrients that facilitate healthy thyroid function - especially by enhancing the conversion of T4 to T3 and by providing adequate thyroid-related antioxidants.

The take home message from this year's thyroid news is that you should do everything possible to keep your entire thyroid system working at an optimal level of health. There is no comfort to be found in being "good for your age." The only thing that really matters is optimal function - which is the foundation for your future health.

The era of true anti-aging nutrition is upon us. There are no quick fixes - but there is a path to follow that is now backed by considerable science. Hop on - enjoy quality of health - for a very long time.

3 Ways On How Green Tea Can Help Your Health | Green Tea

More and more people who have a weight problem start turning to green tea. Obesity is a worldwide concern because of the modern lifestyle: always on the run, always stressed, turning to food for comfort. The lack of physical activities is also one factor that encourages weight gain; and unfortunately, the fatter you are the less you are likely to work out.

Liposuction is one solution to the weight gain problem, but there are secondary effects and risk, as with any major surgery. There is another easier, more natural way to get rid of the fat on your body. The solution is Green Tea! This miracle drink is perfect for burning fats and offers you other benefits as well. Used daily, green tea helps your heath in three ways:

1. Encourages the burning of calories - it accelerates the metabolism and so the body burns more calories for everyday activities. This process is called thermogenesis: your body's heat increases, this raises the metabolism which in turn starts to burn more calories.

2. Lowers the appetite- it is great help if you want to control your appetite. The nutrients in this type of tea send signals to the brain and stomach. This lowers the appetite, which means you get rid of cravings and you can finally stick to your new diet.

3. Increases the energy level - it makes you feel more energetic because it contains caffeine. Don't worry, the caffeine content in green tea is lower than that in coffee and it doesn't have any nasty side effects such as headaches or insomnia. This means you have plenty of energy for your daily activities and then some. You can start practicing a sport or start doing some cardio to lose weight even faster.

These three ways Green Tea acts on your health are everything you need to start losing weight. You increase your metabolism to get your fat burning furnace on, you lower your appetite so as not to stray and give in to temptation, plus you increase your energy and you are able to do more in one day, thus burning even more calories. So you may say green tea is the perfect solution to weight loss.

You can start drinking green tea today because it is all natural, it is great when you want to lose weight and it has effects on many other aspects of your health as well. I'm sure you've already heard that this miracle drink helps prevent many types of cancer, well, that is not all.

Green tea is also good for heart conditions, for the brain, for a series of psychological problems, for your skin and hair, for your teeth and breath and for so much more.

The 3 Elements That Govern Our Health | Mind Body Spirit In Health

An individuals health and well being is controlled by physical, emotional, and biochemical factors. To stay healthy we need to ensure that these three elements are in good order and balance. Most health problems that we have are controlled directly by these 3 areas working in tandem. Let us discuss them in more detail.

1. Biomechanical health covers the different chemicals and biological workings and processes of our body, including all of the factors that affect them, both internal and external. Biomechanical health covers everything from the working of our heart through to the enzymes in our stomach. They key human behaviour that controls all of this is diet. The food that we eat will directly affect our biomechanical health, in either a positive or negative way. If we eat do not get enough nutrition, or eat foods that are bad for us, our biomechanical health will suffer.

2. Physical health covers the physicality of our body, such as strength, the bones, muscles, organs and skin. The main behaviour which governs this aspect of our health is exercise. If we exercise regularly and properly, our physical health will improve. If we do not exercise, we will become weaker, and the physical side of our bodies will deteriorate. As a result, we may develop health complications directly related to this. If we want to stay healthy, we should exercise regularly.

3. Psychological health covers our mental and emotional well being. Excess stress, difficult emotional problems, and countless other psychological problems can directly affect our health in multiple ways. If we want to live a healthy and happy life, we should try to reduce stress and live a lifestyle that makes us content and at peace. If we fail to do this, our biomechanical and physical health can suffer as a direct consequence. Examples of this include heart attacks and strokes which are brought on by poor psychological health.

All 3 areas work together in balance. To rectify problems, we have to take into account all 3 areas. For example, to lose weight we have to diet, exercise, and reduce stress. Dieting involves improving our biomechanical health, exercise involves improving our physical health, and reducing stress involves improving our psychological health. By working on all three aspects of our health, we can deal with problems and achieve total health. Total health meaning all three aspects of our health and are in good order.

Best 6 Steps to Optimum Health During an Economic Depression

I think it is horrible when people can't work and are faced with financial burden while trying to raise a family, HOWEVER, is this what it is going to take to drive people to look for healthy alternatives to medicine and doctors?

Don't get me wrong, I think doctors and drugs have their place, (I am a retired nurse after all) but for even the most serious and scary diseases (cancer!?!) there are societies outside of the western world that have treatments hailing from nature that actually work with MORE efficacy than OUR current doctor recommended treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. There are ALL KINDS of safe and effective ways to treat infections and viruses that don't require a trip to the doctor's office.

I have a suggestion. Why not research natural alternatives to doctors and drugs NOW. Why not start implementing some natural preventative and therapeutic measures into your life today BEFORE you are sick and can't afford the fees for treatment. Not only will you FEEL better just knowing you are taking some steps towards better health, but you may even need to see your doctor LESS. Think of the money you could save, for example, by strengthening your immune system, and getting less colds and flu. What about removing toxins from your system and avoiding aching and tiredness now, and perhaps fibromyalgia, MS, cancer... down the road.

Here are my 6 steps to optimum health. Why not do the research now, so that you can save money, worry, and youth down the road!


1. EAT foods that help to create an alkaline environment in your body. That means more vegetables, fruits, and less red meat. More RAW and less cooked. Try to aim for an 80% vegetarian raw diet. Do you have a juicer? If not, you can get an inexpensive one at your local hardware or kitchen store . (Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Pro works just fine) Juice an 8 ounce glass of carrots and an 8 ounce glass of broccoli and drink it EVERY day. (add an apple for sweetness if desired).

2. DRINK water that is filtered, ionized and alkaline. If you don't have a water ionizer already, you can get one for a $2 to $6 USD. If you don't want to spend that kind of money you can get Real Water Concentrate -ionized water concentrate that turns your filtered water into an alkaline health beverage. Get more information on this water treatment (including tons of info on acid/alkaline diets and reasons) at

3. DETOXIFY- This is really key. I favor zeolite as a detoxifying agent because it removes heavy metals and toxic buildup of thing like herbicides and pesticides, and nitrosamines (found in processed meats). It also acts as an anti-viral agent.

4. BOOST IMMUNE system by increasing the numbers and action of the Natural Killer Cells (a normal part of your immune system). The best supplement to do this with is Agaricus Blazei, which is a particular type of mushroom known to boost natural killer cells. Just remember all supplements are not created equal. Make sure you do your research on Agaricus and zeolite before you spend your money.
5. AVOID toxins and poisons by using biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning and household products, eating organic produce and hormone free animal products, and drinking filtered water.

Best Herbal Remedies For Liver 2018

Liver is responsible for digestion of food, hormone production, metabolism, detoxification of the body, maintenance of the volume of blood, regulation of the factors affecting blood clotting, production of bile juices and regulation of glucose, cholesterol and proteins. Liver also produces enzymes and proteins which make new tissues and repair the damaged ones. Cirrhosis, fatty liver, fibrosis, hepatitis, jaundice, hepatoma, cholestasis, and cancer are some of the diseases that affect liver.

Herbal Remedies for liver diseases

Herbal remedies can cure most liver disorders without serious side effects. The most important home remedy is a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits. Fresh vegetables such as carrots, spinach, papaya, cucumber, cabbage, mushrooms, sprouts, tomatoes, beets, squashes, bitter gourd, egg-plant, radish and beans should be included in the food. These fresh vegetables detoxify liver and are immensely useful in restoring liver health.

Milk Thistle seed extract is immensely beneficial for liver regeneration; it protects liver from toxins. Artichoke and Dandelion too, have the same healing properties as Milk Thistle. Extracts of Milk Thistle, Artichoke and Dandelion will restore liver faster. Equally useful is a mixture of powdered coriander seeds, dried ginger and black salt. Roast a bottle gourd on fire, mash it and squeeze out the juice, mix sugar candy and drink it. Turmeric is an antioxidant herb that protects liver from toxins. It increases bile output, enhances its solubility and thus prevents gallstones.

Eclipta Alba is very beneficial for treating liver; consume the juice extracted from all parts of the plant, and mixed with honey. Picrorhiza Kurroa is a useful herbal remedy for liver disorder. Consume a mixture of its powder and honey. Fig is another effective herbal remedy; rinse and crush its four leaves with some amount of sugar candy, and consume this decoction. Roast some cumin seeds, mix it in a cup of buttermilk and consume it. Take lime Juice with a pinch of rock salt. A spoonful of Olive oil added with a few drops of lemon, before breakfast, will also be effective. Gentian, Linden as well as neem-leaves are also helpful in curing various liver diseases. So is Eleuthero. Licorice and Bupleurum are good remedies for viral hepatitis. Schisandra protects liver from damage and helps to improve overall health.

Liver Cleansing

Liver Flush, a liver cleansing technique, is used for removing excess fatty acids and toxic substances from liver. Mix fresh citrus juices, 1-2 cloves of garlic, ginger root juice and one tablespoon of olive oil; shake and drink. Liver flush is commonly done in the spring and the autumn.

10 Powerful Health Reasons 2018

What is the preventative health value of sea plants or vegetables, as exemplified by Limu Moui? What do you know about this wonder plant considered to be the 3000 year old health secret of the South Pacific? To best value and respect Limu, it's important to relate it to a wider "concept-map" in the context of 10 reasons, each reason comprising major fields of studies but which are only mentioned here.


Physically and chemically, it covers ¾ of the Earth's surface and houses 15,000 plants and 210,000 known marine life forms. The nutrient profile, developed through eons, which nurtures these living forms are estimated between 60 and 100 different elements. Scientists have yet to manufacture in a lab a bottle of sea water and if they could, it would probably cost thousands of dollars. Most interesting, the elements that circulate in the ocean are similar to what is found in human plasma. Our body is 70% salt water with blood containing all the minerals and trace elements found in the ocean.


...or seaweed. These range from forests of 212 foot kelp to microscopic plankton. Three kinds of seaweed are brown, red and green, at least 50 varieties of which are used as food. Seaweed lack true stems, leaves or roots but have strong anchoring supports from which to absorb ocean nutrients through their plant tissue. It is the food chain for all marine animal life such as fish which is still the major source of protein for millions of people. Seaweed agricultural industry is growing to supply alginates especially for food, pharmaceutical and industrial uses.


It grows along shorelines and in vast fields as masses of filaments that grow 1 to 2 feet a day to lengths of 20 feet. Limu is considered one of the most nutrient dense foods, easier to process and more bioavailable than larger broad leaved forms of brown algae with a lot of fiber. One of the best wild sources of Limu Moui comes from the archipelago of Tonga, arguably the most pristine uncontaminated area consisting of 170 islands, few which are inhabited. The Tongan people routinely consume Limu and have long been known for their superior longevity, disease resistance and overall body strength.


They've been prized for dietary and medicinal food properties for millennia; and science can now validate them as rich sources of proteins, enzymes, amino and fatty acids, vitamins and anti-oxidants, glyconutrients, polyphenols, and alginates. For example, briefly consider the mineral riches of ocean plants that can re-mineralize our bodies. The major minerals are found: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sulfur. A wealth of trace minerals are also absorbed: boron, chlorides, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, gallium, germanium, gold, iodine, iron, lanthanum, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silica, silver, sodium, zinc, tin, vanadium plus at least 40 more. Moreover, these minerals are in natural colloidal and organic or chelated forms(combined with amino acids) and easily absorbed through cell walls unlike metallic minerals that can accumulate in body tissues. Most enzymatic functions depend on minute amounts of bioavailable trace minerals; one key to maintain health is keeping the mineral levels in balance in every tissue, fluid, cell and organ. Without minerals for transport, vitamins are ineffective. As soils become minerally depleted, the seas are looked upon as more minerally enriched.


This unique molecule is found only in the cell walls of certain brown sea plants (even some echinoderms). However, Tongan Limu has one of the highest Fucoidan concentrations. In nutritional chemical terms, Fucoidan is described as a sulfated polysaccharide molecule made up several different polymers and "decorated" with sulphate groups. Research shows that the higher the count of sulphate groups in a plant, the higher its unique therapeutic value. In layman's terms, it is the Fucoidan that gives Limu its slippery texture...a moisture protection barrier that allows the algae to survive in harsh environments. What if Limu and Fucoidan may just be the extra nutritional fuel we need to better cope with an increasingly toxic environment?


Most bionutritional research is relatively new and exciting (seconds old on a 24 hour medical timeline). The synergy of hundreds of phytonutrients or natural biochemicals found in individual plants reveal a wide array of beneficial biological benefits for cellular health. For example, in the last 8 years, nearly 400 more studies have been added to the previous 300 on Fucoidan as the medical community has wondered how it appears to address some major health concerns, including many that seem to confound modern medicine.


"Whether or not a person contracts any disease or illness has less to do with their exposure to that disease and much more with how effectively their immune system is functioning at the time they are exposed...(World Health organization.) Our own first-line defense is our innate immune system programmed to protect against chronic health problems and premature aging. More ongoing research is aimed at multi-targeted therapies to better understand how the body can naturally recuperate, protect or heal itself when given total nutrients and healthy immune system (versus monotherapies or using one substance to treat a single symptom.) The health benefits of Fucoidan, particularly, in supporting the immune system such as stimulating natural killer cells and B-Cells are well discussed in independent, third party, peer reviewed studies.


No medicinal claims are allowed with natural plants so it's important that you challenge yourself to be your own serious health detective. One can't assume to have all the answers to better health while walking away from this unprecedented research. Three best references are:
---Limu Moui by Rita Elkins (call 800 777 2665 Woodland Publishing)
---Breakthroughs in Health (Wellness Success Media Oct.2006)
---The National Library of Medicine (government's database)

Enter fucoidan in the search box. Then enter specific conditions and note the number of studies. Example: Fucoidan anti-inflammatory (22 studies) viral (10) blood (274) liver (31) digestive system (40) bacteria (79) cancer (53) stem cells (24) heart (11) brain (30) kidneys (11) skin (16)

This choice is one of your most important health decisions which must verify three things: from where it's sourced, how the contents are manufactured and what scientific studies endorse it. Current market trends are embracing whole food extracts as synergistic, non synthetic, non-fractionated super food supplements. Sometimes it's hard to trust a plethora of labels and advertisements, but you can trust what Nature has composed without laboratories and private enterprises. In its natural edible form, Limu offers remarkable nutritive, immune-building and disease-fighting properties. As an extract, it promises an even wider variety of therapeutic applications.


What would you prefer as you grow older...a vibrant healthy lifestyle or a hopeless daily struggle against aches and pains? Health is a lifelong process of prevention and commitment to wellness. Believe the good news that your body's programmed to be healthy...sickness is an unnatural state. Feed every cell a full spectrum of nutrients daily. Respect Nature's biology, ecology and immemorial wisdom and how you are an essential part of it.

10 Best Home Remedies for Pink Eye 2018

Pink eye symptoms include redness, itching, dry eyes and discharge. There are three types of pink eye - viral, allergic, and bacterial. Viral pink eye is the most common of the three and caused by the same virus as the common cold and as with the common cold there is no exact treatment for it.

Viral pink eye is highly contagious and can be spread on contact so staying away from those that have it and keeping your hands clean are very important in not contracting it. Your eyes may have excessive tearing and slight discharge of mucus. Bacterial pink eye symptoms are more severe as there is a large significant discharge of puss, heavy crusting, and can affect both eyes. Allergic pink eye normally occurs due to persistent allergies. Occasionally extreme irritation from chemicals and fumes can also make you susceptible to the condition.Pink eye can also show up as a result of your immune system being compromised from various long-term conditions such as lyme disease and vascular diseases.

The most common cause is contracting the viral version through someone else. This is frequent amongst children as they pick it up from other kids in school and daycare. You can also get it from excessive exposure to chlorinated water from swimming in a pool or not keeping your contact lens clean or sanitized. If you do wear contacts and you get pink eye, you should stop wearing the lenses until your eye has completely healed.

Most of the time, pink eye is an occasional occurrence and goes away after a few days. if you get chronic pink eye or if it lasts for more than a week, then you must work with a doctor to diagnose other things going on in your body.

The natural remedies work best for viral pink eye (which is the most common). The correct therapy can drastically reduce and eliminate the condition from a week to 48 hours and sometimes within a day. Please remember that as with other natural remedies, different therapies have different results on individuals and the effectiveness of these remedies is highly dependent on your prior health history, other existing conditions in your body, your emotional well-being, and your genetic makeup.

Here rare some tips and natural remedies for pink eye:

1. Please leave your eye alone, I know this sounds too obvious to even mention but you can literally prolong your condition two to three times if you cannot resist the urge to keep touching or rubbing the infected area.

2. Keep your hands clean. Another obvious advice but it needs to be mentioned. You will do your family members and others around you a big favor by not spreading those germs.

3. Stay away from too many over the counter creams and ointments, they really don't help that much and may end up even irritating your eye even more.

4. Eat a diet rich in antioxidants such as lots of fresh vegetables and fruits to support your natural healing. Juicing some vegetables is a great. I like to take the "Emergen-C" packet every day when I feel that I'm getting something (this is great in general and doesn't have to be just for pink eye). You can get these packets for both adults or children and are great supplement when you get sick.

5. An Ayurvedic remedy is a coriander eye wash. Coriander, fennel and cardamom are cooling herbs that are beneficial whenever your body experiences irritation or inflammation. Add 1 teaspoon of whole coriander seeds to a small clean bowl. Add boiling water to it, cover, and let it seep for 15 min. Strain into another bowl. Use a sterile cotton ball to soak in this remedy, lay down and apply to your eyes for 15 min. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

6. Chamomile and elderberry blossom teas are very helpful in easing the discomfort and to help it heal naturally. Make the tea, let it cool, and apply with clean cotton ball. You can also apply the tea bag directly to the eye.

7. Aloe Vera juice can be very comforting, soothing, and healing. Witch Hazel has similar soothing effects.

8. A drop of castor oil in the eye is very effective for some people.

9. A couple of drops of raw unfiltered honey is therapeutic as it provides immediate enzymes and vitamins to the effected area of the eye.

10. Grated potato compress has been found to be very healing. Potato is a natural astringent and helps to disinfect.

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