Thursday 4 October 2018

Facts About Wellness And Health That Will Blow Your Mind


It's amazing to me how far we've drifted away from common sense and reality, especially about out health. The more intelligent we're supposed to be, the less we appear to know. Wellness and health need to be our intention and our priority, as we are unable to do anything whatsoever, if we're sick.

We're smart! Some of us are clever! But (in today's world) how many of us are actually wise? Again, put this in the category of wellness and health, where the mind, body, and spirit need to be fine tuned and working in conjunction. According to the dictionary: 1) SMART: is mental alertness, calculations, resourcefulness, quickness and ease in learning 2) CLEVER: is cagey, showing self-interest in dealing with others, and 3) WISDOM: is accumulated knowledge or enlightenment; the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight and the quality of being prudent and sensible. According to the wise elders I grew up around, 'To be smart, without wisdom was a 'game for fools'


Last year sometime (I think), Comedy Central's Jon Stewart did 'A Rally to Restore Sanity' where over 250,000 people attended in Washington, D.C. Stephen Colbert was his 'nemesis' with the Fear factor. The same sanity/fear dichotomy happens BIG TIME in the world of health; almost bigger than anything else I can think of. The American health nightmare is one the grandest fear stories ever told. In one respect, it's scarier than the actual story; in another respect, it's not scary at all. That's the dual nature of our Universal forces.

So, let's be clear...when I see headlines like 'Can Herbs Prolong Our Lives' or 'Is Vitamin C Really Good For You', I'm shocked and appalled at how little most of us know about earth, nature, our own bodies, and how (all things whole, or not whole) relate to being healthy or sick. Explaining this in simple language could really make this a very long article; however, I'll make every attempt at being brief, without sacrificing too much of the substance.

'Everything We Need Is Already Here & Always Has Been' means that the Omnipotent Mind Force, our Spiritual Universe that provides the Stars, the Moon, the Sun and the Planets, also provides everything we need for perfect health. The Stars, the Moon and the Sun are not man made. The same Spirit that manages the Universe (perfectly and without fail) supplied all aspects needed to maintain 'vibrant health'.

Our perfectly controlled Universe has all the necessary elements needed to keep us healthy and free of disease from the beginning of time

If that didn't sink in, read it over and over until you really GET IT.

In other words, you can be free and healthy of disease everyday, all your life, and everything you need to make that happen, has already been here, since DAY 1, and this doesn't mean PROZAC and ADVAIR!

Most ancient people were very well aware of this. However, when contemporary thoughts started to rise to the surface, and someone asked, 'How Do We Make More Money Doing This?' Credibility, saneness, and truth flew out the window faster than a speeding bullet.

Thus, a new Health Story was born. Everything that the ancient Egyptians, Asians, Africans, and native Americans knew about wellness and REAL HEALTH was squashed and the Fairy Tale began. The voices of those early, true health professionals and practitioners, were silenced. The more they explained that great health was simply...excellent nutrition, pure water, pure protein, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and some

amino acids, along with some moderate exercise,
the more 'processed sugar' was introduced into the diet,
the more advanced terminology was used to make simple explanations appear confusing,
the more drugs were introduced, and
the more agencies and clubs were formed to carry on the Fairy Tale about your health.
All of this is done with the specific purpose of making SICK CARE more expensive, and to keep YOU running back and forth through a revolving door of non-stop SICK CARE. Do we need contemporary medical care? Of course, we do. Just not AS MUCH & HOW we're using it now. It has a time and a place to fulfill it's functions, without slashing 'the true benefits of real healing. The Fairy Tale of SICK CARE even included 'scripts' about how 'whole body healing', holistic care, alternative and homeopathic therapies were fake and not good for you, as a means of eliminating any competition from entering the financial circle, and to keep you UNeducated about your health. As always, boys and girls, it was ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, and still is. With all that said,

it's time to research,
it's time to study, and
it's time to 'rally to restore sanity about our health'.
With even more Genetically modified foods on the market, with more fast foods becoming a staple of family diets, and with more 'poisons' in our atmosphere, you'd better know more than you know now, about your own well-being, or you'll become a statistic of the SICK crowd. There are NO MORE EXCUSES. There are all kinds of great foods out there that TASTE great, and that are actually GOOD FOR U. The bottom line is that you truly ARE WHAT YOU EAT, and if we want to BE better, we've got to DO better. That's all there is to it.


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