Thursday 4 October 2018

Best 6 Steps to Optimum Health During an Economic Depression

I think it is horrible when people can't work and are faced with financial burden while trying to raise a family, HOWEVER, is this what it is going to take to drive people to look for healthy alternatives to medicine and doctors?

Don't get me wrong, I think doctors and drugs have their place, (I am a retired nurse after all) but for even the most serious and scary diseases (cancer!?!) there are societies outside of the western world that have treatments hailing from nature that actually work with MORE efficacy than OUR current doctor recommended treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. There are ALL KINDS of safe and effective ways to treat infections and viruses that don't require a trip to the doctor's office.

I have a suggestion. Why not research natural alternatives to doctors and drugs NOW. Why not start implementing some natural preventative and therapeutic measures into your life today BEFORE you are sick and can't afford the fees for treatment. Not only will you FEEL better just knowing you are taking some steps towards better health, but you may even need to see your doctor LESS. Think of the money you could save, for example, by strengthening your immune system, and getting less colds and flu. What about removing toxins from your system and avoiding aching and tiredness now, and perhaps fibromyalgia, MS, cancer... down the road.

Here are my 6 steps to optimum health. Why not do the research now, so that you can save money, worry, and youth down the road!


1. EAT foods that help to create an alkaline environment in your body. That means more vegetables, fruits, and less red meat. More RAW and less cooked. Try to aim for an 80% vegetarian raw diet. Do you have a juicer? If not, you can get an inexpensive one at your local hardware or kitchen store . (Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Pro works just fine) Juice an 8 ounce glass of carrots and an 8 ounce glass of broccoli and drink it EVERY day. (add an apple for sweetness if desired).

2. DRINK water that is filtered, ionized and alkaline. If you don't have a water ionizer already, you can get one for a $2 to $6 USD. If you don't want to spend that kind of money you can get Real Water Concentrate -ionized water concentrate that turns your filtered water into an alkaline health beverage. Get more information on this water treatment (including tons of info on acid/alkaline diets and reasons) at

3. DETOXIFY- This is really key. I favor zeolite as a detoxifying agent because it removes heavy metals and toxic buildup of thing like herbicides and pesticides, and nitrosamines (found in processed meats). It also acts as an anti-viral agent.

4. BOOST IMMUNE system by increasing the numbers and action of the Natural Killer Cells (a normal part of your immune system). The best supplement to do this with is Agaricus Blazei, which is a particular type of mushroom known to boost natural killer cells. Just remember all supplements are not created equal. Make sure you do your research on Agaricus and zeolite before you spend your money.
5. AVOID toxins and poisons by using biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning and household products, eating organic produce and hormone free animal products, and drinking filtered water.


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